Album details

Artist Bryan Ferry
Album Let's Stick Together (Japan 1997)
Year 1997
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
12 13 12 11 13 12 12 11 13 12 13
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source CD
Label Virgin Toshiba
Label code Virgin ‎– VJCP-3335, EG ‎– EGCD 24
Catalog number
Bar code
Country Japan
Comment A 1997 Japanese 'Cool Price' re-issue. According to the DR numbers, it's a different master from the E.G. 1984. Is it the same as the 1987 Black Triangle? The Japanese Toshiba Black Triangle series are hallowed releases so it would be nice it were!
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Volumes/Shared/Music/iTunes Music/Bryan Ferry/Let's Stick Together (Japan VJCP-3335_EGCD 24 1997 Lossless)
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR12		-0.86 dB 	-13.69 dB 	01 Let's Stick Together.m4a
 DR13		-1.89 dB 	-15.93 dB 	02 Casanova.m4a
 DR12		-1.00 dB 	-17.31 dB 	03 Sea Breezes.m4a
 DR11		-0.98 dB 	-13.45 dB 	04 Shame, Shame, Shame.m4a
 DR13		-1.20 dB 	-15.73 dB 	05 2HB.m4a
 DR12		-0.06 dB 	-13.32 dB 	06 Price Of Love.m4a
 DR12		-2.83 dB 	-18.00 dB 	07 Chance Meeting.m4a
 DR11		-0.10 dB 	-13.92 dB 	08 It's Only Love.m4a
 DR13		-1.96 dB 	-17.18 dB 	09 You Go To My Head.m4a
 DR12		-0.02 dB 	-13.48 dB 	10 Re-Make_Re-Model.m4a
 DR13		-0.48 dB 	-14.37 dB 	11 Heart On My Sleeve.m4a

 Number of files:	11
 Official DR value:	DR12

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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