Album details

Artist Biosphere
Album Dropsonde
Year 2006
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
07 10 09 10 10 09 09 10 11 13 09
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Touch
Label code
Catalog number BS083CD
Bar code
Country Norway
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\tempc\Dropsonde\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR7	  -7.24 dB	 -17.07 dB	 01 Biosphere - Dissolving Clouds.wav
 DR10	  -0.10 dB	 -12.50 dB	 02 Biosphere - Birds Bly by Flapping Their Wings.wav
 DR9	  -0.10 dB	 -13.09 dB	 03 Biosphere - Warmed by the Drift.wav
 DR10	  -0.10 dB	 -10.11 dB	 04 Biosphere - In Triple Time.wav
 DR10	  -6.72 dB	 -20.41 dB	 05 Biosphere - From a Solid to a Liquid.wav
 DR9	  -1.81 dB	 -13.19 dB	 06 Biosphere - Arafura.wav
 DR9	  -2.99 dB	 -15.29 dB	 07 Biosphere - Fall in, Fall Out.wav
 DR10	  -0.10 dB	 -12.47 dB	 08 Biosphere - Daphnis 26.wav
 DR11	  -0.10 dB	 -12.97 dB	 09 Biosphere - Altostratus.wav
 DR13	  -1.92 dB	 -17.84 dB	 10 Biosphere - Sherbrooke.wav
 DR9	  -3.11 dB	 -15.57 dB	 11 Biosphere - People Are Friends.wav

 Number of files:    11
 Official DR value:  DR10 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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