Album details

Artist The Durutti Column
Album Another Setting
Year 1998
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
11 12 11 12 09 13 10 12 13 11 11 10 11 11 10 12 10 12
Codec Other lossless codec
Source CD
Label Factory Once & London Records
Label code
Catalog number Facdo 74 & 556 041-2
Bar code 7 31455 60412 2
Country UK
Comment 1998 reissue/remastering of 1983 album with bonus tracks
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Users/mglen/Desktop/Another Setting
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR11		-2.23 dB 	-16.15 dB 	01 - Prayer.aiff
 DR12		-0.18 dB 	-15.21 dB 	02 - Response.aiff
 DR11		-0.18 dB 	-12.21 dB 	03 - Bordeaux.aiff
 DR12		-0.28 dB 	-14.93 dB 	04 - For a Western.aiff
 DR9		-0.18 dB 	-11.09 dB 	05 - The Beggar.aiff
 DR13		-0.68 dB 	-16.10 dB 	06 - Francesca.aiff
 DR10		-0.18 dB 	-11.91 dB 	07 - Smile in the Crowd.aiff
 DR12		-0.18 dB 	-13.95 dB 	08 - Dream of a Child.aiff
 DR13		-0.18 dB 	-14.77 dB 	09 - Spent Time.aiff
 DR11		-1.10 dB 	-14.17 dB 	10 - You've Heard It Before.aiff
 DR11		-0.18 dB 	-14.23 dB 	11 - Second Family.aiff
 DR10		-0.18 dB 	-13.53 dB 	12 - Amigos Em Portugal.aiff
 DR11		-0.18 dB 	-12.84 dB 	13 - Menina Ao Pe Duma Piscina.aiff
 DR11		-0.18 dB 	-14.65 dB 	14 - Lisboa.aiff
 DR10		-0.18 dB 	-11.63 dB 	15 - Sara E Tristana.aiff
 DR12		-0.77 dB 	-15.75 dB 	16 - Estoril A Noite.aiff
 DR10		-0.24 dB 	-12.84 dB 	17 - Favourite Descending Intervals.aiff
 DR12		-0.25 dB 	-15.22 dB 	18 - To End With.aiff

 Number of files:	18
 Official DR value:	DR11

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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