Album details

Artist The Neighborhoods
Album The Neighborhoods
Year 1991
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 13 13
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Atlantic ‎/ Third Stone Records
Label code
Catalog number 7-91723-2
Bar code 0 7567-91723-2 7
Country USA
Comment DR Peak RMS Filename ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DR12 -0.20 dB -13.54 dB 01 Neighborhoods, The - Pure and Easy.wav DR12 -0.20 dB -12.99 dB 02 Neighborhoods, The - Roxxanne.wav DR12 -0.20 dB -13.36 dB 03 Neighborhoods, The - Prettiest Girl.wav DR12 -0.20 dB -13.23 dB 04 Neighborhoods, The - King of Rats.wav DR12 -0.20 dB -12.71 dB 05 Neighborhoods, The - Hate Zone.wav DR11 -0.20 dB -12.51 dB 06 Neighborhoods, The - Hangin'.wav DR11 -0.20 dB -13.86 dB 07 Neighborhoods, The - Love Holiday.wav DR12 -0.20 dB -13.31 dB 08 Neighborhoods, The - Hoodwinked.wav DR13 -0.20 dB -14.44 dB 09 Neighborhoods, The - Sea of Memories.wav DR13 -0.20 dB -14.52 dB 10 Neighborhoods, The - Nancy.wav ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of files: 10 Official DR value: DR12
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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