Album details

Artist Oasis
Album Definitely Maybe (original Japanese CD release)
Year 1994
Album DR 07
Min. track DR 05
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
06 07 07 09 07 12 05 07 06 05 07 05 11
Codec Other lossless codec
Source CD
Label Epic/Sony Records
Label code ESCA
Catalog number ESCA 6045
Bar code 4988010604523
Country Japan
Comment This is the original Japanese release of the album by Epic/Sony, from 1994. Not to be confused with the 2006 reissue, which comes in a cardboard 'mini-LP' style sleeve and is said to have slightly different mastering. The mastering of the original album tracks and additional bonus tracks is the same as on their original UK releases. REQUEST: if anyone reading has a needledrop of the 2009 vinyl reissue of this album could they please upload the DR data on here, enabling a comparison to be made? Thanks.
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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