Album details

Artist Jonathan Richman and The Modern Lovers
Album Rock'n'Roll With The Modern Lovers
Year 2006
Album DR 09
Min. track DR 08
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
10 09 08 10 10 11 11 09 09 09 09 09 10 09
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Strange Days Records
Label code
Catalog number POCE-1039
Bar code 4 988005 439772
Country Japan
Comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR10 -1.78 dB -13.71 dB 01_The Sweeping Wind (Kwa Ti Feng).wav DR9 -0.30 dB -11.50 dB 02_Ice Cream Man.wav DR8 -0.55 dB -11.04 dB 03_Rockin' Rockin' Leprechauns.wav DR10 -1.12 dB -14.94 dB 04_Summer Morning.wav DR10 -0.59 dB -12.95 dB 05_Afternoon.wav DR11 -0.61 dB -14.85 dB 06_Fly into the Mystery.wav DR11 -1.19 dB -14.69 dB 07_South American Folk Song.wav DR9 -0.47 dB -11.50 dB 08_Roller Coaster by the Sea.wav DR9 -1.25 dB -11.01 dB 09_Dodge Veg-O-Matic.wav DR9 -1.22 dB -11.47 dB 10_Egyptian Reggae.wav DR9 -0.64 dB -11.24 dB 11_Coomyah.wav DR9 -0.30 dB -10.79 dB 12_The Wheels on the Bus.wav DR10 -0.30 dB -13.28 dB 13_Angels Watching Over Me.wav DR9 -0.30 dB -11.82 dB 14_Dodge Veg-O-Matic [-][Extended Version].wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 14 Official DR value: DR9 ==============================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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