Album details

Artist Beck
Album Guero
Year 2005
Album DR 08
Min. track DR 05
Max. track DR 10
Track DR
05 07 07 09 08 10 09 07 10 05 07 08 06
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Source Download
Label Interscope Records
Label code LC 06406
Catalog number
Bar code
Country US
Comment This is the unmastered leak of the album that showed up a while before the real thing. Despite it being unmastered, the DR isn't universally better; Go it Alone is actually a bit worse than the CD! Some songs use different samples than on the official release, and Scarecrow is about twice as long.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Downloads/Beck - Guero (2005 Leaked)
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR5		over		-6.37 dB 	01 - beck - e-pro.mp3
 DR7		over		-9.15 dB 	02 - beck - que onda guero.mp3
 DR7		over		-8.39 dB 	03 - beck - girl.mp3
 DR9		over		-9.81 dB 	04 - beck - missing.mp3
 DR8		over		-8.39 dB 	05 - beck - black tambourine.mp3
 DR10		over		-12.04 dB 	06 - beck - earthquake weather.mp3
 DR9		over		-9.72 dB 	07 - beck - hell yes.mp3
 DR7		over		-8.83 dB 	08 - beck - broken drum.mp3
 DR10		over		-11.06 dB 	09 - beck - scarecrow.mp3
 DR5		over		-8.14 dB 	10 - beck - go it alone.mp3
 DR7		over		-8.44 dB 	11 - beck - farewell ride.mp3
 DR8		over		-9.93 dB 	12 - beck - rental car.mp3
 DR6		over		-7.66 dB 	13 - beck - emergency exit.mp3

 Number of files:	13
 Official DR value:	DR8

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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