Album details

Artist Robert Plant
Album Pictures At Eleven
Year 1986
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 12
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
12 12 13 12 12 13 13 12
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Swan Song
Label code
Catalog number SS 8512-2
Bar code no bar code
Country West Germany
Comment First CD pressings sold in the US. "Made in West Germany by PDO" stamped in aluminum hub of disc.Cat # for use in Europe also printed on spine (259 418). Unsure of actual pressing year, but given aluminum hub, no bar code, and no Atlantic logo, believe to be 1986.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\Pictures At Eleven\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR12	  -1.84 dB	 -16.07 dB	 01 Burning Down One Side.wav
 DR12	  -3.16 dB	 -18.15 dB	 02 Moonlight in Samosa.wav
 DR13	  -1.46 dB	 -17.37 dB	 03 Pledge Pin.wav
 DR12	  -1.23 dB	 -15.69 dB	 04 Slow Dancer.wav
 DR12	  -1.43 dB	 -16.13 dB	 05 Worse Than Detroit.wav
 DR13	  -2.87 dB	 -18.48 dB	 06 Fat Lip.wav
 DR13	  -1.27 dB	 -17.26 dB	 07 Like I've Never Been Gone.wav
 DR12	  -1.19 dB	 -14.77 dB	 08 Mystery Title.wav

 Number of files:    8
 Official DR value:  DR12 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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