Album details

Artist Zoar
Album Clouds Without Water
Year 2002
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 08
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
10 09 10 09 09 10 09 10 11 08 11
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\My toolz\zoar\Zoar - Clouds Without Water\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR10	  -0.10 dB	 -14.18 dB	 01 - Zoar - The Coming Anarchy.wav
 DR9	  -0.10 dB	 -11.86 dB	 02 - Zoar - Our Way Of Life.wav
 DR10	  -0.10 dB	 -13.50 dB	 03 - Zoar - In Golden Light.wav
 DR9	  -0.10 dB	 -10.93 dB	 04 - Zoar - Winter Wind.wav
 DR9	  -0.10 dB	 -10.98 dB	 05 - Zoar - Ashes Falling (Ol Doinyo Lengai).wav
 DR10	  -0.10 dB	 -12.79 dB	 06 - Zoar - Clouds Without Water.wav
 DR9	  -0.10 dB	 -12.73 dB	 07 - Zoar - In These Rooms.wav
 DR10	  -0.10 dB	 -14.13 dB	 08 - Zoar - Behind The Lake.wav
 DR11	  -0.10 dB	 -13.78 dB	 09 - Zoar - The Rain Begins.wav
 DR8	  -0.10 dB	 -11.25 dB	 10 - Zoar - Wakeworld.wav
 DR11	  -2.64 dB	 -17.78 dB	 11 - Zoar - Here The Deities Approve.wav

 Number of files:    11
 Official DR value:  DR10 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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