Album details

Artist Sir Simon Rattle & Philharmonique de Berlin
Album Holst: The Planets [Qobuz 24/44.1]
Year 2006
Album DR 15
Min. track DR 12
Max. track DR 19
Track DR
14 15 15 15 17 15 12 16 14 15 19 17
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source Download
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Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Users/uk/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Music/Sir Simon Rattle/Holst_ The Planets
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR14		-1.05 dB 	-21.21 dB 	1-01 The Planets, Op. 32_ I. Mars, the Bringer of War.m4a
 DR15		-17.81 dB 	-39.22 dB 	1-02 The Planets, Op. 32_ II. Venus, the Bringer of Peace.m4a
 DR15		-11.04 dB 	-34.20 dB 	1-03 The Planets, Op. 32_ III. Mercury, the Winged Messenger.m4a
 DR15		-3.25 dB 	-24.33 dB 	1-04 The Planets, Op. 32_ IV. Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity.m4a
 DR17		-5.24 dB 	-29.38 dB 	1-05 The Planets, Op. 32_ V. Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age.m4a
 DR15		-1.79 dB 	-23.08 dB 	1-06 The Planets, Op. 32_ VI. Uranus, the Magician.m4a
 DR12		-25.69 dB 	-41.77 dB 	1-07 The Planets, Op. 32_ VII. Neptune, the Mystic.m4a
 DR16		-2.40 dB 	-26.73 dB 	1-08 Pluto, The Renewer.m4a
 DR14		-7.06 dB 	-28.82 dB 	2-01 Asteroid 4179 - Toutatis.m4a
 DR15		-8.31 dB 	-29.05 dB 	2-02 Towards Osiris.m4a
 DR19		-2.22 dB 	-26.32 dB 	2-03 Ceres.m4a
 DR17		-1.54 dB 	-27.11 dB 	2-04 Komarov's Fall.m4a

 Number of files:	12
 Official DR value:	DR15

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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