Album details

Artist Oasis
Album Whatever EP (Japanese CD single)
Year 1994
Album DR 06
Min. track DR 04
Max. track DR 09
Track DR
04 05 07 06 09 06
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Epic/Sony Music Entertainment
Label code ESCA
Catalog number 6127
Bar code 4988010612726
Country Japan
Comment The title track is brickwalled and quite distorted in places. The B-sides are all slightly more dynamic than the versions on the Masterplan album. 1. Whatever - DR4 [version on Time Flies: DR4]; [un-mastered version on safety copy of Definitely Maybe masters: DR10] 2. (It's Good) to Be Free - DR5 [version on the Masterplan album: DR5] 3. Fade Away - DR7 [version on the Masterplan album: DR6] 4. Listen Up - DR6 [version on the Masterplan album: DR5] 5. Half the World Away - DR9 [version on the Masterplan album: DR8] 6. I Am the Walrus (Live at the Glasgow Cathouse) - DR6 [version on the Masterplan album: DR5].
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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