Album details

Artist Barry Manilow
Album Greatest Hits
Year 0
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
12 12 10 13 12 12 13 13 14 12 11 12 11 13 13 13 13 12
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Arista Records
Label code DIDY 000479
Catalog number ARCD 8039
Bar code 0 20831-2886-2 70
Country U.S.A.
Comment Album originally released 1978. Year of release of this CD edition unknown. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed folder: C:\Music\WAV\Barry Manilow Greatest Hits 1978\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR12 -0.20 dB -14.47 dB 01 Mandy.wav DR12 -0.20 dB -13.95 dB 02 New York City Rhythm.wav DR10 -2.24 dB -14.86 dB 03 Ready to Take a Chance Again.wav DR13 -0.20 dB -16.00 dB 04 Looks Like We Made It.wav DR12 -0.00 dB -13.84 dB 05 Daybreak.wav DR12 -0.20 dB -15.30 dB 06 Can't Smile Without You.wav DR13 -0.20 dB -14.96 dB 07 It's a Miracle.wav DR13 -0.20 dB -16.68 dB 08 Even Now.wav DR14 -0.20 dB -16.03 dB 09 Bandstand Boogie.wav DR12 -0.52 dB -15.89 dB 10 Tryin' to Get the Feeling Again.wav DR11 -0.20 dB -15.61 dB 11 Could It Be Magic.wav DR12 -0.00 dB -15.14 dB 12 Somewhere in the Night.wav DR11 -0.83 dB -15.49 dB 13 Weekend in New England.wav DR13 -2.37 dB -18.97 dB 14 All the Time.wav DR13 -0.00 dB -16.60 dB 15 This One's for You.wav DR13 over -14.22 dB 16 Copacabana.wav DR13 -0.00 dB -15.19 dB 17 Beautiful Music.wav DR12 -0.00 dB -15.22 dB 18 I Write the Songs.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 18 Official DR value: DR12
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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