Album details

Artist Last Days Of Humanity
Album The Sound Of Rancid Juices Sloshing Around Your Coffin
Year 1998
Album DR 08
Min. track DR 04
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
09 08 07 07 09 09 10 11 08 08 04 07 06 07 06 07 08 12 08 08 11 11 10 09 10 08
Codec Monkey's Audio (APE)
Source CD
Label Bones Brigade
Label code
Catalog number BB001
Bar code
Country France
Log file
foobar2000 1.3.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2015-02-24 14:13:25

Analyzed: Last Days of Humanity / The Sound of Rancid Juices Sloshing Around Your Coffin

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR9       -0.10 dB   -11.31 dB      1:11 01-Born to murder the World
DR8       -0.10 dB    -9.05 dB      1:12 02-Necrotic Eruption
DR7       -0.10 dB    -8.49 dB      1:01 03-Entangled in septic Gore
DR7       -1.73 dB   -11.08 dB      2:25 04-Slithered Limbs
DR9       -1.77 dB   -11.82 dB      1:21 05-Cannibalistic Remains
DR9       -0.10 dB   -10.28 dB      2:25 06-Hacked into red Mush
DR10      -0.10 dB   -11.86 dB      1:29 07-Putrid Mass of burnt Excrement
DR11      -0.11 dB   -14.61 dB      0:43 08-The Smell of the Dead
DR8       -0.10 dB    -9.99 dB      1:06 09-Rancid cottered Rectum
DR8       -0.10 dB    -9.61 dB      3:05 10-Bloodsplattered Chainsawslaughter
DR4       -0.10 dB    -5.91 dB      0:33 11-Submassive Obliteration
DR7       -0.10 dB    -8.54 dB      1:40 12-Septic Convulsion
DR6       -0.10 dB   -12.68 dB      0:18 13-The Sound of rancid Juices
DR7       -0.10 dB   -12.90 dB      0:19 14-Liquidized Disgorgement
DR6       -0.10 dB   -10.61 dB      0:32 15-Putrefying Immortality
DR7       -0.10 dB    -8.58 dB      1:00 16-Carnal Tumor
DR8       -0.10 dB    -9.45 dB      3:37 17-Consumed in Gore
DR12      -0.67 dB   -15.59 dB      0:37 18-Drowned in septic Guts
DR8       -0.10 dB    -9.68 dB      0:38 19-Cadaver Breath
DR8       -0.10 dB   -11.11 dB      0:55 20-Excremental Carnage
DR11      -0.10 dB   -12.71 dB      0:42 21-Malignant Haemorrhage
DR11      -0.10 dB   -13.14 dB      0:26 22-Mucupurulent Fleshfeast
DR10      -0.10 dB   -10.79 dB      2:31 23-Pro-rectal Fermentation
DR9       -1.83 dB   -12.31 dB      1:42 24-A reeking Pile of septic Brainfluid
DR10      -1.89 dB   -14.02 dB      0:22 25-Disembowelment of scattered gastric Pieces
DR8       -0.10 dB   -10.54 dB      4:54 26-Festering Fungus Infection

Number of tracks:  26
Official DR value: DR8

Samplerate:        44100 Hz
Channels:          2
Bits per sample:   16
Bitrate:           684 kbps
Codec:             Monkey's Audio
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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