Album details

Artist Metallica
Album Garage Inc.
Year 1998
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 13 12 14 14 13 13 14 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Vinyl
Label Elektra
Label code
Catalog number 62299-1
Bar code 7559-62299-1
Country USA
Comment All three disks are represented in this analysis. **Note** This edition contains an issues with Disk 2 Side 2 in which the entire side is mastered to play too fast even at 33rpm. The recordings for that side have been slowed down to their proper speed prior to being analyzed.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Users/Tome/Music/Tome's Vinyl/Metallica/Garage Inc. (LP)
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR12		-2.33 dB 	-15.22 dB 	01 - Free Speech for the dumb.aiff
 DR11		-1.44 dB 	-14.40 dB 	02 - It's Electric.aiff
 DR12		-1.84 dB 	-15.63 dB 	03 - Sabbra Cadabra.aiff
 DR12		-1.54 dB 	-15.45 dB 	04 - Turn the Page.aiff
 DR12		-1.20 dB 	-14.26 dB 	05 - Die Die My Darling.aiff
 DR11		-0.86 dB 	-16.53 dB 	06 - Loverman.aiff
 DR12		-1.63 dB 	-15.12 dB 	07 - Mercyful Fate.aiff
 DR12		-3.77 dB 	-19.40 dB 	08 - Astronomy.aiff
 DR12		-3.81 dB 	-17.35 dB 	09 - Whiskey in the Jar.aiff
 DR13		-4.67 dB 	-19.81 dB 	10 - Tuesday's Gone.aiff
 DR12		-4.67 dB 	-19.05 dB 	11 - The More I See.aiff
 DR14		-1.45 dB 	-17.37 dB 	12 - Helpless.aiff
 DR14		-1.53 dB 	-17.44 dB 	13 - The Small Hours.aiff
 DR13		-1.93 dB 	-17.02 dB 	14 - The Wait.aiff
 DR13		-3.18 dB 	-18.75 dB 	15 - Crash Course in Brain Surgery.aiff
 DR14		-3.55 dB 	-18.70 dB 	16 - Last Caress Green Hell.aiff
 DR12		-3.87 dB 	-17.89 dB 	17 - Am I Evil.aiff
 DR12		-3.97 dB 	-18.28 dB 	18 - Blitzkrieg.aiff
 DR11		-5.76 dB 	-19.38 dB 	19 - Breadfan.aiff
 DR12		-5.27 dB 	-18.33 dB 	20 - The Prince.aiff
 DR11		-3.89 dB 	-17.21 dB 	21 - Sonte Cold Crazy.aiff
 DR12		-2.64 dB 	-15.89 dB 	22 - So What.aiff
 DR12		-3.38 dB 	-16.74 dB 	23 - Killing Time.aiff
 DR12		-2.95 dB 	-16.45 dB 	24 - Overkill.aiff
 DR12		-3.26 dB 	-16.88 dB 	25 - Damage Case.aiff
 DR12		-3.47 dB 	-16.72 dB 	26 - Stone Dead Forever.aiff
 DR12		-2.75 dB 	-16.97 dB 	27 - Too Late Too Late.aiff

 Number of files:	27
 Official DR value:	DR12

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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