Album details

Artist Human Mincer
Album Embryonized
Year 2002
Album DR 05
Min. track DR 05
Max. track DR 05
Track DR
05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label Xtreem Music
Label code
Catalog number XM 001 CD
Bar code
Country Spain
Log file
foobar2000 1.3.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2014-12-27 23:02:35

Analyzed: Human Mincer / Embryonized

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR5       -0.30 dB    -6.62 dB      3:10 01-Cerebral Torture
DR5       -0.30 dB    -6.19 dB      4:04 02-Death By Infestation Of Grubs
DR5       -0.30 dB    -6.11 dB      3:08 03-Repugnant Desire
DR5       -0.30 dB    -6.11 dB      2:51 04-Embryonized
DR5       -0.30 dB    -6.39 dB      3:23 05-The Edge Of My Perversion
DR5       -0.30 dB    -6.07 dB      3:26 06-Putrefact Agony
DR5       -0.30 dB    -6.40 dB      3:01 07-Son Of Decay
DR5       -0.30 dB    -6.19 dB      4:03 08-Cannibal Resurrection
DR5       -0.30 dB    -6.38 dB      3:07 09-Filth's Creator

Number of tracks:  9
Official DR value: DR5

Samplerate:        44100 Hz
Channels:          2
Bits per sample:   16
Bitrate:           988 kbps
Codec:             FLAC
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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