Album details

Artist The Outcasts
Album Blood & Thunder
Year 1987
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
13 13 12 12 13 12 11 13 12 13 14 12 14 15 13 11 12 14 13 14 13 12
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label New Rose Records
Label code
Catalog number ROSE 16 CD
Bar code
Country France
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\Outcasts - Blood & Thunder\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR13	  -1.65 dB	 -17.73 dB	 01 The Outcasts - Winter.wav
 DR13	  -1.41 dB	 -16.88 dB	 02 The Outcasts - MacHine Gun.wav
 DR12	  -3.26 dB	 -17.94 dB	 03 The Outcasts - Sex and Glory.wav
 DR12	  -2.84 dB	 -15.95 dB	 04 The Outcasts - Gangland Warfare.wav
 DR13	  -2.38 dB	 -17.55 dB	 05 The Outcasts - Programme Love.wav
 DR12	  -2.11 dB	 -18.04 dB	 06 The Outcasts - Princess of Oblivion.wav
 DR11	  -1.99 dB	 -15.55 dB	 07 The Outcasts - Frustration.wav
 DR13	  -1.33 dB	 -17.21 dB	 08 The Outcasts - Angel Face.wav
 DR12	  -2.26 dB	 -16.53 dB	 09 The Outcasts - Magnum Force.wav
 DR13	   over    	 -15.02 dB	 10 The Outcasts - Beating & Screaming (Part 1).wav
 DR14	  -0.33 dB	 -16.67 dB	 11 The Outcasts - Beating & Screaming (Part 2).wav
 DR12	  -1.66 dB	 -15.03 dB	 12 The Outcasts - Mania.wav
 DR14	   over    	 -15.66 dB	 13 The Outcasts - Nowhere Left to Run.wav
 DR15	   over    	 -17.09 dB	 14 The Outcasts - Running Over.wav
 DR13	  -0.53 dB	 -17.03 dB	 15 The Outcasts - Ruby.wav
 DR11	  -0.00 dB	 -13.70 dB	 16 The Outcasts - Cops.wav
 DR12	   over    	 -13.80 dB	 17 The Outcasts - Seven Deadly Sins.wav
 DR14	   over    	 -15.52 dB	 18 The Outcasts - The Chase.wav
 DR13	   over    	 -14.99 dB	 19 The Outcasts - Five Years.wav
 DR14	   over    	 -15.69 dB	 20 The Outcasts - Swamp Fever.wav
 DR13	   over    	 -15.83 dB	 21 The Outcasts - Waiting for the Rain.wav
 DR12	   over    	 -14.40 dB	 22 The Outcasts - 1969.wav

 Number of files:    22
 Official DR value:  DR13 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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