Artist | Burial / Four Tet |
Album | Moth / Wolf Cub |
Year | 2009 |
Album DR | 11 |
Min. track DR | 10 |
Max. track DR | 12 |
Track DR |
Codec | Other lossless codec |
Source | Unknown |
Label | Text Records |
Label code | |
Catalog number | TEXT-006 |
Bar code | |
Country | |
Comment | Recorded to 24/96 FLAC, converted to 16/44 WAV for taking DR values. Maximum peak is -0.3dB, resulting in an album replay gain of -0.54dB. Rather poor pressing. A lot of sizzling was directly pressed on the Vinyl, probably caused by dust in the machines of the manufacture. |
Algorithm | TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible) |