Album details

Artist The Church
Album Heyday
Year 2010
Album DR 07
Min. track DR 06
Max. track DR 08
Track DR
08 07 08 07 08 06 07 07 07 06 07 07 08
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Source CD
Label Second Motion Records
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code CD-SMR-027
Country US
Comment 30th Anniversary Remaster w/ bonus tracks
Log file
 Analyzed: The Church \ Heyday
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR8	   over    	 -12.26 dB	 01. Myrrh.mp3
 DR7	  -0.00 dB	 -11.80 dB	 02. Tristesse.mp3
 DR8	   over    	 -12.25 dB	 03. Already Yesterday.mp3
 DR7	  -0.00 dB	 -11.31 dB	 04. Columbus.mp3
 DR8	   over    	 -12.32 dB	 05. Happy Hunting Ground.mp3
 DR6	  -0.00 dB	 -10.73 dB	 06. Tantalized.mp3
 DR7	  -0.00 dB	 -11.46 dB	 07. Disenchanted.mp3
 DR7	   over    	 -11.08 dB	 08. Night of Light.mp3
 DR7	   over    	 -11.06 dB	 09. Youth Worshipper.mp3
 DR6	  -0.00 dB	 -11.08 dB	 10. Roman.mp3
 DR7	  -0.00 dB	 -10.71 dB	 11. As You Will [].mp3
 DR7	  -0.00 dB	 -10.79 dB	 12. The View [].mp3
 DR8	   over    	 -12.18 dB	 13. Trance Ending [].mp3

 Number of files:    13
 Official DR value:  DR7 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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