Album details

Album Megalithic Symphony
Year 2011
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
10 09 10 10 09 11 10 09 10 12
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source Vinyl
Label Red Bull Records
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment 2LP black vinyl. Picked this up at Urban Outfitters and it was pretty warped from their shelves, but otherwise it cleaned up ok. I had a tough time finding the song breaks in the waveform so there are probably a couple errors on my part with song splitting, but its a good estimate. The vinyl sounds compressed for sure, but its also relaxed and a bit warm.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Users/x/Desktop/awol
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR10		-4.33 dB 	-16.04 dB 	01.aif
 DR9		-4.15 dB 	-15.62 dB 	02.aif
 DR10		-3.15 dB 	-15.72 dB 	03.aif
 DR10		-3.27 dB 	-15.72 dB 	04.aif
 DR9		-4.58 dB 	-15.98 dB 	05.aif
 DR11		-3.55 dB 	-17.36 dB 	06.aif
 DR10		-4.94 dB 	-16.30 dB 	07.aif
 DR9		-5.72 dB 	-15.89 dB 	08.aif
 DR10		-4.72 dB 	-17.41 dB 	09.aif
 DR12		-2.63 dB 	-16.40 dB 	10.aif

 Number of files:	10
 Official DR value:	DR10

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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