Album details

Artist T. Rex
Album Electric Warrior [Cube/Edel]
Year 1992
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 12
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
13 12 14 13 14 12 13 12 13 13 12
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Cube (marketed by Edel, distributed by Ideal)
Label code 2745
Catalog number CUB 9809-2
Bar code 4 009880 980927
Country Germany
Comment Pressed by Optimal Germany. This version appears to be identical with the earlier Teldec/Cube. Appears to be based on the same copy tape as the german Ariola and Cube vinyl pressings as the "Take 10" announcement from the intro of "Lean Woman Blues" is missing.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Electric Warrior
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR13		-0.12 dB 	-15.27 dB 	01 - Mambo Sun.wav
 DR12		-2.26 dB 	-17.18 dB 	02 - Cosmic Dancer.wav
 DR14		-0.41 dB 	-16.07 dB 	03 - Jeepster.wav
 DR13		-0.33 dB 	-16.02 dB 	04 - Monolith.wav
 DR14		-0.50 dB 	-16.02 dB 	05 - Lean Woman Blues.wav
 DR12		-1.89 dB 	-16.00 dB 	06 - Get It On (Bang A Gong).wav
 DR13		-1.39 dB 	-16.47 dB 	07 - Planet Queen.wav
 DR12		-4.08 dB 	-18.80 dB 	08 - Girl.wav
 DR13		-2.19 dB 	-17.77 dB 	09 - The Motivator.wav
 DR13		-2.42 dB 	-18.51 dB 	10 - Life's A Gas.wav
 DR12		-2.22 dB 	-17.01 dB 	11 - Rip Off.wav

 Number of files:	11
 Official DR value:	DR13

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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