Album details

Artist Ozomatli
Album Ozomatli
Year 1998
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 10
Track DR
09 10 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 10 10 09
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source CD
Label Almo Sounds, Inc.
Label code
Catalog number 80020
Bar code 7-05178-00202-2
Country USA
Comment DR9 -0.10 dB -11.03 dB 01 Como Ves.m4a DR10 -0.10 dB -11.82 dB 02 Cut Chemist Suite.m4a DR9 -0.10 dB -10.47 dB 03 Cumbia De Los Muertos.m4a DR9 -0.70 dB -11.17 dB (null) DR9 -0.10 dB -10.39 dB 05 Eva.m4a DR10 -0.10 dB -11.76 dB 06 O Le Le.m4a DR10 -0.10 dB -11.10 dB 07 Chango.m4a DR10 -0.10 dB -12.57 dB 08 Super Bowl Sundae.m4a DR10 -0.10 dB -10.76 dB (null) DR10 over -11.73 dB 10 Chota.m4a DR10 -0.10 dB -11.85 dB 11 Coming War.m4a DR9 -0.00 dB -10.34 dB (null) Note: the (null) songs above all have special characters, so TT got confused. They are: 04 ¿Donde Se Fueron? 09 Aqui No Será 12 La Misma Canción
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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