Album details

Artist Raw Stylus
Album Pushing Against The Flow [vinyl]
Year 1996
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 12
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
15 13 14 13 15 14 13 13 12 13
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Vinyl
Label M&G Records / BMG Entertainment
Label code LC 0116
Catalog number 08-056264-20
Bar code 7 4321-33030-1 8
Country EC
Comment Incredible dynamics on vinyl, especially for a mid-90's production. Compare it to the CD version!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed folder: Raw Stylus - Pushing Against The Flow (Vinyl-Rip) (1996) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR15 -1.08 dB -17.09 dB 01 Pushing Against The Flow.wav DR13 -0.00 dB -14.55 dB 02 Believe In Me.wav DR14 -0.09 dB -15.82 dB 03 37 Hours (In The U.S.A.).wav DR13 -0.59 dB -15.64 dB 04 Kings Cross_Daybreak.wav DR15 -0.71 dB -17.38 dB 05 Higher Love.wav DR14 -0.48 dB -16.55 dB 06 Cuban King Breeze.wav DR13 -0.68 dB -16.67 dB 07 Tuesday Afternoon.wav DR13 over -14.28 dB 08 Ridequake.wav DR12 -0.14 dB -14.42 dB 09 Pass Me By.wav DR13 -1.08 dB -17.16 dB 10 Hungry People.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 10 Official DR value: DR13 ==============================================================================================
Log file
 Analyzed folder: Raw Stylus - Pushing Against The Flow (Vinyl-Rip) (1996)
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR15		-1.08 dB 	-17.09 dB 	01 Pushing Against The Flow.wav
 DR13		-0.00 dB 	-14.55 dB 	02 Believe In Me.wav
 DR14		-0.09 dB 	-15.82 dB 	03 37 Hours (In The U.S.A.).wav
 DR13		-0.59 dB 	-15.64 dB 	04 Kings Cross_Daybreak.wav
 DR15		-0.71 dB 	-17.38 dB 	05 Higher Love.wav
 DR14		-0.48 dB 	-16.55 dB 	06 Cuban King Breeze.wav
 DR13		-0.68 dB 	-16.67 dB 	07 Tuesday Afternoon.wav
 DR13		over		-14.28 dB 	08 Ridequake.wav
 DR12		-0.14 dB 	-14.42 dB 	09 Pass Me By.wav
 DR13		-1.08 dB 	-17.16 dB 	10 Hungry People.wav

 Number of files:	10
 Official DR value:	DR13

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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