Album details

Artist Pearl Jam
Album 26 6 00 - Sporthall - Hamburg, Germany
Year 2000
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 12
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source CD
Label Epic
Label code
Catalog number E2K 85073
Bar code
Country US
Comment Engineer [Assistant] – John Burton Recorded By, Mixed By – Brett Eliason
Log file
 Analyzed folder: //Pearl Jam/Pearl Jam - Sporthall Hamburg Germany 26 June 2000
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR12		-2.32 dB 	-16.55 dB 	1-01 Breakerfall.m4a
 DR13		-1.36 dB 	-16.09 dB 	1-02 Corduroy.m4a
 DR12		-1.89 dB 	-16.39 dB 	1-03 MFC.m4a
 DR12		-2.51 dB 	-15.85 dB 	1-04 Go.m4a
 DR14		-1.22 dB 	-17.44 dB 	1-05 Faithful.m4a
 DR12		-1.68 dB 	-16.28 dB 	1-06 Even Flow.m4a
 DR14		-1.29 dB 	-17.02 dB 	1-07 Rival.m4a
 DR12		-2.27 dB 	-16.98 dB 	1-08 Given To Fly.m4a
 DR14		-1.44 dB 	-18.99 dB 	1-09 Small Town.m4a
 DR14		-0.82 dB 	-16.52 dB 	1-10 Light Years.m4a
 DR12		-2.09 dB 	-15.56 dB 	1-11 Evacuation.m4a
 DR12		-1.34 dB 	-16.05 dB 	1-12 Grievance.m4a
 DR15		-0.48 dB 	-19.37 dB 	1-13 Present Tense.m4a
 DR15		-0.56 dB 	-17.85 dB 	1-14 Daughter.m4a
 DR13		-0.67 dB 	-15.82 dB 	1-15 Porch.m4a
 DR14		-0.62 dB 	-17.73 dB 	1-16 Black.m4a
 DR12		-1.50 dB 	-16.35 dB 	2-01 Insignificance.m4a
 DR13		-1.00 dB 	-16.33 dB 	2-02 RVM.m4a
 DR14		-9.40 dB 	-28.90 dB 	2-03 Happy Birthday To Jeff.m4a
 DR15		-2.37 dB 	-20.46 dB 	2-04 Crazy Mary.m4a
 DR14		-1.36 dB 	-17.84 dB 	2-05 Soldier Of Love.m4a
 DR12		-1.68 dB 	-15.33 dB 	2-06 Do The Evolution.m4a
 DR12		-1.66 dB 	-15.95 dB 	2-07 Once.m4a
 DR14		-0.53 dB 	-19.02 dB 	2-10 Baba O Riley.m4a
 DR15		-0.66 dB 	-19.26 dB 	2-11 Yellow Ledbetter.m4a

 Number of files:	27
 Official DR value:	DR13

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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