Album details

Artist Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, Sandra Rivers
Album It Ain't Necessarily So
Year 1992
Album DR 14
Min. track DR 12
Max. track DR 18
Track DR
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label EMI Classics
Label code
Catalog number CDC077775457629
Bar code 7777545762
Country England
Comment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR14 -3.52 dB -23.35 dB 01 Kreisler_ Praeludium & Allegro In.wav DR14 -6.36 dB -24.67 dB 02 Gershwin_ Porgy & Bess - It Ain't.wav DR15 -11.15 dB -32.74 dB 03 Debussy_ Suite Bergamasque #3 - C.wav DR17 -3.00 dB -26.35 dB 04 Kroll_ Banjo & Fiddle.wav DR15 -7.93 dB -31.00 dB 05 Kreisler_ Liebesleid.wav DR15 -2.54 dB -23.09 dB 06 Kreisler_ Liebesfreud.wav DR15 -0.42 dB -22.51 dB 07 Gershwin_ Prelude.wav DR14 -7.22 dB -28.52 dB 08 Paganini_ Cantabile.wav DR12 -5.20 dB -26.35 dB 09 Schubert (FA)_ The Bee, Op.13_9.wav DR14 -1.62 dB -22.13 dB 10 Joplin_ The Easy Winners.wav DR14 -13.74 dB -33.40 dB 11 Saint-Saëns_ Carnival Of The Anim.wav DR18 -1.29 dB -25.67 dB 12 Mozart_Kreisler_ Haffner Serenade.wav DR16 -4.96 dB -26.50 dB 13 Kreisler_ La Gitana.wav DR12 -21.67 dB -40.14 dB 14 Falla_Kochanski_ Suite Populaire.wav DR15 -4.75 dB -25.52 dB 15 Falla_Kochanski_ Suite Populaire.wav DR13 -1.50 dB -19.52 dB 16 Prokofiev_ Love For Three Oranges.wav DR13 -4.66 dB -22.77 dB 17 Kreisler_ Tempo Di Minuetto In Th.wav DR13 -10.30 dB -30.16 dB 18 Rachmaninov_ Vocalise, Op. 34_14.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 18 Official DR value: DR14 ==============================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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