Album details

Artist The Roots
Album Illadelph Halflife
Year 1996
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 18
Track DR
12 09 08 07 08 09 09 09 10 10 10 09 11 14 10 09 09 10 13 18
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Geffen/BMG
Label code LC 7266
Catalog number GED 24972
Bar code 7 20642 49722 7
Country EC
Comment foobar2000 1.2.9 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: The Roots / Illadelph Halflife -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR12 -2.30 dB -23.40 dB 0:35 01-Intro DR9 0.00 dB -10.17 dB 5:07 02-Respond/React DR8 0.00 dB -9.35 dB 4:09 03-Section DR7 -0.50 dB -10.39 dB 1:25 04-Panic!!!!! DR8 0.00 dB -10.24 dB 4:34 05-It Just Don't Stop DR9 0.00 dB -10.16 dB 5:56 06-Episodes DR9 0.00 dB -10.20 dB 4:36 07-Push Up Ya Lighter DR9 -0.48 dB -10.66 dB 5:57 08-What They Do DR10 0.00 dB -11.63 dB 1:48 09-? Vs. Scratch (The Token DJ Cut) DR10 0.00 dB -11.67 dB 3:38 10-Concerto Of The Desperado DR10 0.00 dB -11.35 dB 4:55 11-Clones DR9 0.00 dB -10.82 dB 4:55 12-UNIverse At War DR11 0.00 dB -11.74 dB 5:11 13-No Alibi DR14 -0.47 dB -18.88 dB 0:50 14-Dave Vs. US DR10 0.00 dB -12.17 dB 4:26 15-No Great Pretender DR9 0.00 dB -10.46 dB 5:20 16-The Hypnotic DR9 0.00 dB -10.27 dB 4:54 17-Ital (The Universal Side) DR10 0.00 dB -11.25 dB 5:40 18-One Shine DR13 0.00 dB -16.21 dB 4:34 19-The Adventures In Wonderland DR18 0.00 dB -23.27 dB 0:16 20-Outro -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of tracks: 20 Official DR value: DR10 Samplerate: 44100 Hz Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 16 Bitrate: 595 kbps Codec: FLAC ================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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