Album details

Artist Tori Amos
Album Boys For Pele [Vinyl]
Year 1996
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
15 11 13 14
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment Equipment Used: Pro-ject Debut III Turntable OMB 5E Cart Cambridge Audio Azur 540P-B MM Phono Pre-Amp M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card Alesis M1Active 520 Reference Monitors for listening Atlantic 82862-1 Tori Amos: Boys for Pele Original new, vinyl. Cleaned with isopropyl alcohol with a few drops of detergent added (to reduce static-cling). Rinsed with water and dried. Lint brushed off before recording and record carefully inspected. Recorded at 96000 Hz. Light settings on ClickRepair to clean out the pops (DeClick set at 30). I did this since some parts of the album are very soft and needed a little help. Otherwise, it is very clean. Amplified to -0.1 dB in Audacity 1.3.5-beta. Tracks labeled and exported. Saved as Signed 24 bit PCM WAVs. Converted to FLAC with SoundKonverter 0.3.8. EVALUATION: Minimal noise and pops. Tori's voice may sound "blown out" at some points of high volume. This is due to the nature of the record. It was recorded, mostly, inside a church in Ireland. I will never clip (so, don't attribute it to that). You can hear her actually tapping her foot to rhythm in some of the songs. This is not heard on the CD example. Very organic.
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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