Album details

Artist The Egg
Album Something To Do
Year 2012
Album DR 05
Min. track DR 04
Max. track DR 06
Track DR
05 06 05 06 06 04 05 05 06 05
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Squarepeg Records
Label code
Catalog number SQPGCD003
Bar code 5 037300 776460
Country UK
Comment 2012 CD of 2012 album. Heavily processed to artificially boost loudness. Most tracks have flat-topped clipping in them somewhere. Laid-back music spoilt by being mastered by clowns. ================================================================================ foobar2000 1.2.9 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 log date: 2013-11-15 14:11:40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: The Egg / Something To Do -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR5 -0.09 dB -7.13 dB 5:41 01-Catch DR6 -0.10 dB -7.62 dB 5:06 02-A Bit DR5 -0.10 dB -6.58 dB 5:35 03-Something To Do DR6 -0.10 dB -8.44 dB 7:20 04-Over There (Bingo) DR6 -0.10 dB -7.02 dB 5:34 05-In Your Pocket DR4 -0.10 dB -5.43 dB 5:21 06-Stars DR5 -0.10 dB -7.17 dB 7:22 07-Electric City DR5 -0.10 dB -6.92 dB 7:12 08-Fire DR6 -0.10 dB -7.74 dB 4:23 09-Keep It Simple Stupid DR5 -0.10 dB -6.51 dB 6:27 10-Woodstock 69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of tracks: 10 Official DR value: DR5 Samplerate: 44100 Hz Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 16 Bitrate: 964 kbps Codec: FLAC ================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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