Album details

Artist Death Angel
Album The Dream Calls For Blood
Year 2013
Album DR 06
Min. track DR 05
Max. track DR 07
Track DR
06 06 06 06 06 07 06 06 05 06
Codec Other lossy codec
Source Unknown
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment Inofficial Title: "The Mastering Calls For Bloody Ears" ---- DR6 0.00 dB -6.91 dB 5:32 01-Left for Dead DR6 0.00 dB -6.30 dB 4:02 02-Son of the Morning DR6 0.00 dB -6.41 dB 4:42 03-Fallen DR6 0.00 dB -6.19 dB 4:12 04-The Dream Calls for Blood DR6 0.00 dB -6.47 dB 4:27 05-Succubus DR7 0.00 dB -8.06 dB 4:40 06-Execution / Don't Save Me DR6 0.00 dB -6.51 dB 3:37 07-Caster of Shame DR6 0.00 dB -6.62 dB 4:43 08-Detonate DR5 0.00 dB -6.29 dB 4:59 09-Empty DR6 0.00 dB -6.92 dB 6:38 10-Territorial Instinct / Bloodlust -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of tracks: 10 Official DR value: DR6
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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