Album details

Artist Lead Belly
Album In the Studio 1935
Year 1996
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
10 12 13 12 11 13 13 13 11 13 13 12 11 10 13 10 12 13 10 12 13 11 11 12 15
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label JSP Records
Label code
Catalog number JSP7764B
Bar code 788065776428
Country USA
Comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR10 -0.52 dB -15.44 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 01 - Roberta Part 1.wav DR12 -0.51 dB -15.78 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 02 - Roberta Part 2.wav DR13 -0.52 dB -18.14 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 03 - Packin' Trunk Blues.wav DR12 -0.52 dB -17.00 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 04 - C.C. Rider.wav DR11 -0.52 dB -15.77 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 05 - Becky Deem, She Was a Gamblin' Girl.wav DR13 -0.51 dB -17.75 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 06 - Honey, I'm all Out and Down.wav DR13 -0.51 dB -18.17 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 07 - Four Day Worry Blues.wav DR13 -0.58 dB -17.01 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 08 - You Can't Lose Me, Charlie.wav DR11 -0.51 dB -15.45 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 09 - New Black Snake Moan.wav DR13 -0.61 dB -16.84 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 10 - Alberta.wav DR13 -0.78 dB -16.59 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 11 - Baby, Don't You Love Me No More.wav DR12 -1.54 dB -16.32 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 12 - Ox Drivin' Blues.wav DR11 -1.01 dB -15.67 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 13 - Death Letter Blues Part 1.wav DR10 -1.01 dB -14.69 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 14 - Death Letter Blues Part 2.wav DR13 -0.51 dB -16.05 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 15 - Kansas City Papa.wav DR10 -0.51 dB -15.32 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 16 - Red River Blues.wav DR12 -0.51 dB -17.27 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 17 - Fort Worth and Dallas Blues.wav DR13 -0.51 dB -16.61 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 18 - You Don't Know My Mind.wav DR10 -1.51 dB -15.54 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 19 - Daddy I'm Coming Back to You.wav DR12 -0.51 dB -15.28 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 20 - My Friend Blind Lemon.wav DR13 -0.51 dB -15.99 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 21 - Mr. Tom Hughes' Town.wav DR11 -1.01 dB -15.49 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 22 - Shorty George.wav DR11 -0.51 dB -14.74 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 23 - Matchbox Blues.wav DR12 -0.51 dB -16.48 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 24 - Yellow Jacket.wav DR15 -0.52 dB -18.94 dB Lead Belly - B - In the Studio 1935 - 25 - T.B. Woman Blues.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 25 Official DR value: DR12
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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