Album details

Artist Elvis Costello
Album Spike
Year 1989
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 12
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
13 14 13 13 14 15 12 15 13 14 13 14 13 13 14
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Warner Bros.
Label code LC0392
Catalog number 925 848-2
Bar code 07599258482
Country Germany
Comment DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR13 -0.63 dB -16.94 dB 4:31 01-...This Town... DR14 -0.99 dB -17.71 dB 4:45 02-Let Him Dangle DR13 -2.68 dB -20.32 dB 4:07 03-Deep Dark Truthful Mirror DR13 -0.52 dB -16.83 dB 3:09 04-Veronica DR14 -3.08 dB -19.62 dB 5:32 05-God's Comic DR15 -0.81 dB -17.72 dB 3:47 06-Chewing Gum DR12 -4.31 dB -20.45 dB 5:44 07-Tramp The Dirt Down DR15 -0.36 dB -18.27 dB 4:09 08-Stalin Malone DR13 -2.85 dB -18.56 dB 5:45 09-Satellite DR14 -0.40 dB -17.51 dB 2:56 10-Pads, Paws And Claws DR13 -3.64 dB -22.80 dB 2:48 11-Baby Plays Around DR14 -1.86 dB -18.24 dB 4:25 12-Miss MacBeth DR13 -6.14 dB -22.03 dB 6:06 13-Any King's Shilling DR13 -2.52 dB -17.14 dB 3:18 14-Coal-Train Robberies DR14 -1.64 dB -18.71 dB 3:31 15-Last Boat Leaving -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of tracks: 15 Official DR value: DR13 Samplerate: 44100 Hz Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 16 Bitrate: 1411 kbps Codec: CDDA
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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