Album details

Artist Metalucifer
Album Heavy Metal Chainsaw
Year 2001
Album DR 09
Min. track DR 08
Max. track DR 10
Track DR
09 10 09 09 09 09 10 08
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Iron Pegasus Records/Metal Proof
Label code
Catalog number I.P.021
Bar code NO BAR CODE!
Country Germany
Comment DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR9 -0.06 dB -10.83 dB 01. Heavy Metal Chainsaw.wav DR10 -0.11 dB -11.06 dB 02. Flight of the Iron Pegasus.wav DR9 -0.14 dB -10.62 dB 03. Warriors Ride on the Chariots.wav DR9 -0.09 dB -10.30 dB 04. Heavy Metal Samurai.wav DR9 -0.06 dB -11.13 dB 05. Northern Heroes.wav DR9 -0.14 dB -10.44 dB 06. Heavy Metal Revolution.wav DR10 -0.14 dB -11.26 dB 07. Metalucifer (Zwei).wav DR8 -0.05 dB -10.15 dB 08. Lost Sanctuary.wav Number of files: 8 Official DR value: DR9
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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