Album details

Artist Isao Tomita
Album Storm from the East
Year 1992
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
11 11 13 11 11 11 13 11 12 12 10 11 11 12 11
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label code
Catalog number BVCF-2514
Bar code
Country Japan
Comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed folder: C:\Isao Tomita (FLAC)\Isao Tomita - 1992 - Storm from the East\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR11 -0.03 dB -18.28 dB 01 - Main Theme.wav DR11 -3.69 dB -18.87 dB 02 - Mongolian Fantasy 1- East Afar.wav DR13 -1.78 dB -19.75 dB 03 - Legend of Saviour.wav DR11 -2.52 dB -16.38 dB 04 - Messenger from Tartar.wav DR11 -5.45 dB -19.22 dB 05 - King Prester John - An Abyssinian Eidolon.wav DR11 -4.71 dB -22.47 dB 06 - Memories of Pale Earth.wav DR13 -4.60 dB -24.36 dB 07 - Dazzling Dark.wav DR11 -2.50 dB -18.82 dB 08 - Ethereal View.wav DR12 -1.41 dB -16.93 dB 09 - Winds of Great Plains.wav DR12 -5.39 dB -22.86 dB 10 - Requiem of Plains.wav DR10 -3.59 dB -17.97 dB 11 - Mongolian Fantasy 2- Flash of Shining Glory.wav DR11 -4.33 dB -19.27 dB 12 - Messenger from Inferno.wav DR11 -3.44 dB -20.75 dB 13 - Theme of Akhai.wav DR12 -2.21 dB -18.57 dB 14 - Mongolian Fantasy 3- Land of Great Khan.wav DR11 -0.00 dB -15.85 dB 15 - Ending Theme.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 15 Official DR value: DR11 ==============================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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