Album details

Artist Metalucifer
Album Heavy Metal Drill
Year 2010
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 14 11 11 11
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Iron Pegasus / Metal Proof
Label code
Catalog number I.P. 001
Bar code
Country Germany/Japan
Comment Limited Edition with Special Bonus Tracks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR11 -1.06 dB -13.27 dB 01 - Heavy Metal Is My Way.wav DR11 -0.54 dB -12.99 dB 02 - Heavy Metal Drill.wav DR11 -1.36 dB -13.46 dB 03 - Heavy Metal Hunter (Part 2).wav DR12 -1.32 dB -14.66 dB 04 - Soul of Warriors.wav DR12 -1.16 dB -14.59 dB 05 - Monster Of the Earth.wav DR12 -1.68 dB -14.62 dB 06 - Wolf Man.wav DR11 -1.51 dB -13.67 dB 07 - Headbanging.wav DR11 -1.52 dB -13.93 dB 08 - Metalucifer.wav DR12 -0.56 dB -14.58 dB 09 - Iron 'n' Steel 'n' Metal.wav DR11 over -13.33 dB 10 - Warriors Ride On the Chariots (Live).wav DR14 -0.58 dB -19.80 dB 11 - Drum solo (Live).wav DR11 over -13.34 dB 12 - Flight Of Iron Pegasus (Live).wav DR11 over -12.10 dB 13 - Heavy Metal Hunter (Part 1).wav DR11 over -11.87 dB 14 - Headbanging (JPN version).wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 14 Official DR value: DR11 ==============================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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