Album details

Artist Andre Williams
Album Hoods and Shades
Year 2012
Album DR 15
Min. track DR 13
Max. track DR 16
Track DR
15 16 14 16 13 13 15 16 16
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Bloodshot Records
Label code
Catalog number BS 185
Bar code 7 44302 0185 2
Country USA
Comment This guy's been around since the 50s and I've just heard him over the last few years as a local public radio DJ plays him quite frequently. Dennis Coffey (psychedelic Temptations fame) and Don Was play on this cd. I'm amazed at such good DR for a recent release. Analyzed folder: F:\AndreWilliamsHoodandShades\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR15 -0.08 dB -17.06 dB Track01.wav DR16 -0.29 dB -18.40 dB Track02.wav DR14 -0.71 dB -16.47 dB Track03.wav DR16 -0.08 dB -18.72 dB Track04.wav DR13 -0.02 dB -16.20 dB Track05.wav DR13 -0.31 dB -16.41 dB Track06.wav DR15 -1.87 dB -19.58 dB Track07.wav DR16 -0.12 dB -18.62 dB Track08.wav DR16 -0.70 dB -18.96 dB Track09.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 9 Official DR value: DR15
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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