Album details

Artist Feeder
Album Silent Cry
Year 2008
Album DR 05
Min. track DR 04
Max. track DR 06
Track DR
05 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 05 06 05 04 05 04 05
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Echo
Label code
Catalog number ECHCX 79
Bar code 5 027529 012326
Country UK
Comment 2008 CD of 2008 album. This is the limited edition version with two extra tracks (tracks 14 & 15). ================================================================================ foobar2000 1.2.4 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 log date: 2013-04-06 18:54:03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: Feeder / Silent Cry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR5 -0.17 dB -5.98 dB 4:42 01-We Are The People DR4 -0.17 dB -5.25 dB 4:17 02-Itsumo DR4 -0.17 dB -4.54 dB 2:59 03-Miss You DR4 -0.17 dB -6.07 dB 3:48 04-Tracing Lines DR5 -0.17 dB -7.49 dB 3:26 05-Silent Cry DR5 -0.17 dB -6.25 dB 3:59 06-Fires DR5 -0.17 dB -7.83 dB 4:04 07-Heads Held High DR5 -0.17 dB -7.18 dB 3:45 08-8:18 DR5 -0.17 dB -7.67 dB 3:18 09-Who's the Enemy DR6 -11.07 dB -19.51 dB 0:34 10-Space DR5 -0.17 dB -5.72 dB 2:37 11-Into the Blue DR4 -0.17 dB -6.20 dB 3:50 12-Guided by a Voice DR5 -0.17 dB -7.40 dB 4:49 13-Sonorous DR4 -0.17 dB -5.71 dB 3:17 14-Yeah Yeah DR5 -0.17 dB -5.86 dB 2:24 15-Every Minute -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of tracks: 15 Official DR value: DR5 Samplerate: 44100 Hz Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 16 Bitrate: 1045 kbps Codec: FLAC ================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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