Album details

Artist Lena / Lena Meyer-Landrut
Album Stardust Deluxe Edition
Year 2012
Album DR 07
Min. track DR 06
Max. track DR 08
Track DR
07 06 07 07 07 07 07 06 06 06 08 07
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label USFO
Label code LC22999
Catalog number 00602537178056
Bar code 00602537178056
Country Germany
Comment DR7 -0.15 dB -8.24 dB 01. Stardust.wav DR6 -0.12 dB -7.81 dB 02. Mr. Arrow Key.wav DR7 -0.25 dB -8.56 dB 03. Pink Elephant.wav DR7 -0.01 dB -8.98 dB 04. Neon (Lonely People).wav DR7 -0.01 dB -8.57 dB 05. Better News.wav DR7 -0.28 dB -9.80 dB 06. Day To Stay.wav DR7 -0.23 dB -10.11 dB 07. To The Moon.wav DR6 -0.01 dB -7.70 dB 08. Bliss Bliss.wav DR6 -0.09 dB -7.80 dB 09. ASAP (feat. Miss Li).wav DR6 -0.00 dB -7.70 dB 10. I'm Black.wav DR8 -0.40 dB -10.17 dB 11. Goosebumps.wav DR7 -0.17 dB -9.24 dB 12. Don't Panic.wav
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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