Album details

Artist P.O.D.
Album Satellite
Year 2001
Album DR 06
Min. track DR 05
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
06 05 05 06 09 06 07 06 11 05 06 06 06 07 06
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Atlantic
Label code
Catalog number 0075678347528
Bar code 0 7567-83475-2 8
Country USA
Comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed folder: C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Owner\Desktop\Satellite\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR6 -0.01 dB -7.28 dB P.O.D. - 01 - Set It Off.wav DR5 -0.11 dB -5.75 dB P.O.D. - 02 - Alive.wav DR5 -0.11 dB -5.90 dB P.O.D. - 03 - Boom.wav DR6 -0.01 dB -7.21 dB P.O.D. - 04 - Youth of the Nation.wav DR9 -0.01 dB -10.43 dB P.O.D. - 05 - Celestial.wav DR6 -0.01 dB -6.56 dB P.O.D. - 06 - Satellite.wav DR7 -0.01 dB -7.46 dB P.O.D. - 07 - Ridiculous.wav DR6 -0.01 dB -6.99 dB P.O.D. - 08 - The Messenjah.wav DR11 -1.26 dB -17.22 dB P.O.D. - 09 - Guitarras de Amor.wav DR5 -0.01 dB -6.53 dB P.O.D. - 10 - Anything Right.wav DR6 -0.01 dB -7.23 dB P.O.D. - 11 - Ghetto.wav DR6 -0.01 dB -6.76 dB P.O.D. - 12 - Masterpiece Conspiracy.wav DR6 -0.01 dB -7.68 dB P.O.D. - 13 - Without Jah, Nothin'.wav DR7 -0.01 dB -7.88 dB P.O.D. - 14 - Thinking About Forever.wav DR6 -0.01 dB -7.40 dB P.O.D. - 15 - Portrait.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 15 Official DR value: DR6 ==============================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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