Album details

Artist All Too Human
Album Forever and a Day
Year 1998
Album DR 09
Min. track DR 06
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
06 10 09 10 08 08 10 11 08
Codec Other lossy codec
Source Unknown
Label R/R Records
Label code RR
Catalog number ATH-0189
Bar code
Country USA
Comment Indie debuts before 2000 are more likely to have decent range. I have no idea why the opening track is WAY louder than the rest of the heavy songs and thus has only DR6 (despite rarely limiting), and why one acoustic-only track lands at DR8 and sounds very loud for just that instrument, but elsewhere, the peaks are preserved remarkably well, and crystal-clear recording and mixing make this production just as remarkably easy to listen to and appreciate. Definitely one to wind back and relax to.
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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