Album details

Artist Eric Brosius
Album System Shock 2 Soundtrack
Year 1999
Album DR 09
Min. track DR 05
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
07 12 09 05 05 10 08 12 09 08 08 08 09 12 11 11 12
Codec Other lossy codec
Source Unknown
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment 320 kbps mp3 release. More info (posted by MysteryDev on TTLG forums): "A few more details regarding this soundtrack: * These are the real arrangements created by Eric himself, authored as full soundtrack songs and burned as an album. It's not a fan interpretation or anything else short of the real songs from the real composer. * This was personally crafted by Eric Brosius from the original audio, meaning that unlike the 22khz audio files from the shipping game this release is CD quality. * The audio quality is much higher than what's out there; this was ripped from the original CD. Basically, this is not only the best quality version of the soundtrack, it's the version of the soundtrack that Eric Brosius himself created. It's not a fan compilation; this is the real deal."
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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