Album details

Artist Tetrafusion
Album Horizons EP
Year 2012
Album DR 06
Min. track DR 05
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
11 05 06 05 05 05 09 05
Codec Other lossy codec
Source Unknown
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code 8 85767-33037 5
Country USA
Comment 6.8/6.1 channel readings, which make this sit between DR6 and DR7 despite the reading. Very disappointed at how the band explicitly understood the loudness war, how it could hurt an album, and how to obtain more dynamic range in their music, and STILL let this EP get slammed so hard, in fact the hardest of the three official releases. Long durations of tracks hit 0 dB, drums lose well over half their volume in dense parts, and guitars come close to distorting; surprisingly, bass loses almost nothing, despite its prominent presence in the mix. Audio quality is unmatched, so this would have been among the best prog metal productions ever made at DR9, but we shake our collective heads at this rating...
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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