Album details

Artist Frankie Goes To Hollywood
Album Welcome To The Pleasuredome [Deluxe Edition]
Year 2016
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 16
Track DR
13 16 13 14 14 13 11 13 12 13 14 14 14 14 13 11
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label BMG UK.
Label code ZTT IS 1 LC20398
Catalog number BMGAA04CD
Bar code 4 050538 240245
Country Italy
Comment Celebrating the album as an art form. A seminal album featuring extensive 28 page booklet exploring
Log file
 Analyzed folder: I:\Music\Cd Full\Frenkie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome (1984) ZTT Records Is1 LC20398 BMGAA04CD\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR13	  -9.58 dB	 -28.03 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 01 - The World Is My Oyster including Well... and Snatch of Fury.wav
 DR16	  -0.97 dB	 -21.18 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 02 - Welcome to the Pleasuredome.wav
 DR13	  -0.74 dB	 -16.89 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 03 - Relax (Come Fighting).wav
 DR14	  -0.24 dB	 -18.51 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 04 - War (And Hide).wav
 DR14	  -0.36 dB	 -17.16 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 05 - Two Tribes.wav
 DR13	  -8.12 dB	 -30.96 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 06 - For the Victims of Ravishment.wav
 DR11	 -11.38 dB	 -25.62 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 07 - Ferry (Go).wav
 DR13	  -1.78 dB	 -17.87 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 08 - Born to Run.wav
 DR12	  -5.57 dB	 -21.11 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 09 - San Jos? (The Way).wav
 DR13	  -2.45 dB	 -18.68 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 10 - Wish (The Lads Were Here).wav
 DR14	  -3.62 dB	 -20.13 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 11 - The Ballad of 32.wav
 DR14	  -0.84 dB	 -17.36 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 12 - Krisco Kisses.wav
 DR14	  -0.71 dB	 -19.15 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 13 - Black Night White Light.wav
 DR14	  -1.57 dB	 -18.72 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 14 - The Only Star in Heaven.wav
 DR13	  -1.94 dB	 -19.19 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 15 - The Power of Love.wav
 DR11	  -2.29 dB	 -21.35 dB	 Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - 16 - Bang.wav

 Number of files:    16
 Official DR value:  DR13 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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