Album details

Artist Kendrick Lamar
Album GNX
Year 2024
Album DR 07
Min. track DR 04
Max. track DR 09
Track DR
08 05 07 08 04 08 07 08 07 09 08 09
Codec Other lossy codec
Source Download
Label pgLang
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment Soundcloud version. Interestingly it has more dynamic range than the streaming version!
Log file
foobar2000 v2.1.5 / DR Meter v0.7
log date: 2024-11-26 04:23:25

Analyzed: Kendrick Lamar / GNX

DR         Peak           RMS       Duration Track
DR8        2.13 dBFS    -8.68 dBFS      5:17 01-wacced out murals
DR5        2.26 dBFS    -5.14 dBFS      2:38 02-squabble up
DR7        1.69 dBFS    -7.47 dBFS      2:58 03-luther
DR8        1.63 dBFS    -8.15 dBFS      3:53 04-man at the garden
DR4        2.41 dBFS    -3.46 dBFS      3:37 05-hey now
DR8        1.94 dBFS    -7.28 dBFS      4:36 06-reincarnated
DR7        2.08 dBFS    -6.80 dBFS      3:41 07-tv off
DR8        2.54 dBFS    -7.29 dBFS      2:11 08-dodger blue
DR7        2.28 dBFS    -6.43 dBFS      2:36 09-peekaboo
DR9        2.22 dBFS    -8.15 dBFS      4:52 10-heart pt. 6
DR8        2.37 dBFS    -7.13 dBFS      3:14 11-gnx
DR9        1.84 dBFS    -9.05 dBFS      4:48 12-gloria

Number of tracks:  12
Official DR value: DR7

Samplerate:        48000 Hz
Channels:          2
Bitrate:           69 kbps
Codec:             Opus
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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