Album details

Artist OSI
Album Office of Strategic Influence (Cassette)
Year 2003
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
11 10 12 09 11 10 11 09 12 10 11 10 11
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label InsideOut Music
Label code LE
Catalog number 10025
Bar code 4 527516 003470
Country Thailand
Comment Wav file. Noise reduction was used. Cassette version repeats Hello Helicopter after The Thing that Never Was. This repeat is removed. Some tracks are improved more over the CD than others, but overall, this version is worth seeking out for fans as the average on this is an 11 instead of the 6 on the CD. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR11 -1.08 dB -16.49 dB Dirt from a Holy Place.wav DR10 -0.98 dB -13.49 dB Head.wav DR12 -2.00 dB -17.44 dB Hello Helicopter.wav DR9 -1.14 dB -14.67 dB Horseshoes and B-52's.wav DR11 -1.14 dB -15.10 dB Memory Daydreams Lapses.wav DR10 -3.42 dB -16.52 dB New Mama.wav DR11 -0.37 dB -13.76 dB OSI.wav DR9 -1.44 dB -15.31 dB Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun.wav DR12 -1.12 dB -15.28 dB Shutdown.wav DR10 -1.34 dB -14.55 dB Standby.wav DR11 -0.06 dB -14.10 dB The New Math.wav DR10 -0.57 dB -14.09 dB The Thing that Never Was.wav DR11 -2.11 dB -15.93 dB When You're Ready.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 13 Official DR value: DR11 ==============================================================================================
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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