Album details

Artist Arve Henriksen, Harmen Fraanje
Album Touch Of Time
Year 2024
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
12 14 14 12 13 12 11 09 12 14
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source Download
Label ECM
Label code
Catalog number ECM 2794
Bar code
Log file
Analyzed: Arve Henriksen, Harmen Fraanje / Touch of Time

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR12      -8.61 dB   -24.41 dB      4:01 01-Melancholia
DR14      -7.64 dB   -27.20 dB      3:28 02-The Beauty of Sundays
DR14      -5.58 dB   -25.20 dB      8:47 03-Redream
DR12      -5.65 dB   -24.15 dB      4:00 04-The Dark Light
DR13      -4.82 dB   -24.32 dB      3:52 05-What All This Is
DR12      -1.81 dB   -19.25 dB      2:49 06-Mirror Images
DR11      -7.57 dB   -23.63 dB      3:17 07-Touch of Time
DR9      -15.54 dB   -30.71 dB      1:12 08-Winter Haze
DR12      -7.44 dB   -25.23 dB      2:38 09-Red and Black
DR14      -3.68 dB   -27.39 dB      4:13 10-Passing on the Past

Number of tracks:  	10
Official DR value: 	DR12

Samplerate:        	96000 Hz
Channels:          	2
Bits per sample:   	24
Bitrate:           	2161 kbps
Codec:            	FLAC
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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