Album details

Artist Stone Temple Pilots
Album Core
Year 2024
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
12 12 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 15 11 12
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label Analogue Productions
Label code
Catalog number CAPA 028 SA
Bar code 7 53088 75286 5
Country US
Comment 2024 AP hybrid SACD; CD layer
Log file
File Name | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | Bits Used |    SR | Format | 

    01 Dead And Bloated - Stone Temple Pilots - Core |    -0.98 | -15.42 |       12 |        16 | 44.1k |  .flac | 
      02 Sex Type Thing - Stone Temple Pilots - Core |    -1.37 | -14.32 |       12 |        16 | 44.1k |  .flac | 
       03 Wicked Garden - Stone Temple Pilots - Core |    -1.96 | -14.26 |       11 |        16 | 44.1k |  .flac | 
           04 No Memory - Stone Temple Pilots - Core |    -8.06 | -22.37 |       10 |        16 | 44.1k |  .flac | 
                 05 Sin - Stone Temple Pilots - Core |    -0.84 | -15.74 |       12 |        16 | 44.1k |  .flac | 
        06 Naked Sunday - Stone Temple Pilots - Core |    -2.20 | -15.58 |       12 |        16 | 44.1k |  .flac | 
               07 Creep - Stone Temple Pilots - Core |    -2.10 | -17.53 |       12 |        16 | 44.1k |  .flac | 
        08 Piece Of Pie - Stone Temple Pilots - Core |    -2.37 | -15.04 |       12 |        16 | 44.1k |  .flac | 
               09 Plush - Stone Temple Pilots - Core |    -0.94 | -14.83 |       12 |        16 | 44.1k |  .flac | 
          10 Wet My Bed - Stone Temple Pilots - Core |    -3.84 | -19.30 |       15 |        16 | 44.1k |  .flac | 
          11 Crackerman - Stone Temple Pilots - Core |    -1.50 | -14.10 |       11 |        16 | 44.1k |  .flac | 
12 Where The River Goes - Stone Temple Pilots - Core |    -0.61 | -14.36 |       12 |        16 | 44.1k |  .flac | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 12
Official EP/Album DR: 12
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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