Album details

Artist 1986 Omega Tribe
Album 35th Anniversary Album "To Your Summertime Smile" (Tidal)
Year 2021
Album DR 07
Min. track DR 06
Max. track DR 09
Track DR
07 07 07 06 08 07 07 09 07 08 07 08 08 07
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source Download
Label VAP Inc.
Label code l62567
Catalog number VPCC-86355
Bar code
Country Japan
Comment From the official release on Tidal. The Catalog Number is from Discogs. Note that the Tidal release sounds different than the Amazon Music release, with some tracks having a different DR value.
Log file
Folder Path:   C:\1986 Omega Tribe - 35th Anniversary Album "To Your Summertime Smile"

                                                              File Name | Format |    SR | Word Length | Max. TPL | LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

            01. 1986 Omega Tribe - 君は1000% (2021 Remix)  [JPVP02009501] |  .flac |   96k |          24 |    +0.58 | -7.69 |        7 | 
          02. 1986 Omega Tribe - Blue Reef (2021 Remix)  [JPVP02009502] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.72 | -8.19 |        7 | 
        03. 1986 Omega Tribe - Cosmic Love (2021 Remix)  [JPVP02009503] |  .flac |   96k |          24 |    +0.43 | -8.75 |        7 | 
        04. 1986 Omega Tribe - Night Child (2021 Remix)  [JPVP02009504] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.00 | -8.80 |        6 | 
       05. 1986 Omega Tribe - Super Chance (2021 Remix)  [JPVP02009505] |  .flac |   96k |          24 |    +0.88 | -8.45 |        8 | 
    06. 1986 Omega Tribe - Your Graduation (2021 Remix)  [JPVP02009506] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.67 | -8.68 |        7 | 
          07. 1986 Omega Tribe - Navigator (2021 Remix)  [JPVP02009507] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.40 | -8.19 |        7 | 
08. 1986 Omega Tribe - Stay girl Stay pure (2021 Remix)  [JPVP02009508] |  .flac |   96k |          24 |    -0.17 | -9.98 |        9 | 
        09. 1986 Omega Tribe - North Shore (2021 Remix)  [JPVP02009509] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.05 | -9.09 |        7 | 
      10. 1986 Omega Tribe - Crystal Night (2021 Remix)  [JPVP02009510] |  .flac |   96k |          24 |    +0.59 | -9.16 |        8 | 
   11. 1986 Omega Tribe - Sand On The Seat (2021 Remix)  [JPVP02009511] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.55 | -8.20 |        7 | 
   12. 1986 Omega Tribe - Miss Lonely Eyes (2021 Remix)  [JPVP02009512] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.46 | -8.58 |        8 | 
  13. 1986 Omega Tribe - Aquarium in Tears (2021 Remix)  [JPVP02009513] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.04 | -9.69 |        8 | 
14. 1986 Omega Tribe - 君は1000% 2nd Line (2021 Recorded)  [JPVP02009515] |  .flac |   96k |          24 |    +0.92 | -8.12 |        7 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 14
Official EP/Album DR: 7
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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