Album details

Artist Matthew Good
Album Vancouver
Year 2009
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
10 09 11 10 11 10 09 09 11 09
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label Universal Music Canada
Label code
Catalog number 0252714949
Bar code 602527149493
Country Canada
Log file
foobar2000 2.1.4 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2024-07-07 09:57:17

Analyzed: Matthew Good / Vancouver

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR10      -0.10 dB   -12.33 dB      5:55 01-Last Parade
DR9       -0.10 dB   -11.28 dB      7:07 02-The Boy Who Could Explode
DR11      -0.10 dB   -13.46 dB      3:31 03-Great Whales of the Sea
DR10      -0.10 dB   -11.64 dB      4:47 04-Us Remains Impossible
DR11       0.00 dB   -13.52 dB      4:24 05-On Nights Like Tonight
DR10      -0.10 dB   -13.57 dB      5:04 06-Volcanoes
DR9       -0.10 dB   -12.09 dB      5:37 07-A Silent Army in the Trees
DR9       -0.10 dB   -11.17 dB      4:24 08-Fought to Fight It
DR11      -0.10 dB   -12.52 dB      6:55 09-The Vancouver National Anthem
DR9       -0.10 dB   -12.33 dB      9:29 10-Empty's Theme Park

Number of tracks:  10
Official DR value: DR10

Samplerate:        44100 Hz
Channels:          2
Bits per sample:   16
Bitrate:           866 kbps
Codec:             FLAC
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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