Album details

Artist The Dave Brubeck Quartet
Album London Flat, London Sharp
Year 2005
Album DR 15
Min. track DR 14
Max. track DR 17
Track DR
17 15 17 16 14 15 16 14 16 14
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label Telarc
Label code
Catalog number CD-83625
Bar code 0 89408 36252 1
Country Austria
Log file
 Analyzed: London Flat, London Sharp /  Artist: The Dave Brubeck Quartet
DR	Peak	RMS	Duration	Title [codec]	
 DR17	 -0.19 dB	 -20.42 dB	4:29	01 - London Flat, London Sharp 	 [flac]	
 DR15	 -0.00 dB	 -21.63 dB	5:07	02 - To Sit and Dream 	 [flac]	
 DR17	 -0.23 dB	 -22.46 dB	7:29	03 - The Time of Our Madness 	 [flac]	
 DR16	 -1.42 dB	 -21.54 dB	7:04	04 - Unisphere 	 [flac]	
 DR14	 -7.32 dB	 -27.53 dB	3:25	05 - Steps to Peace 	 [flac]	
 DR15	 -0.15 dB	 -22.34 dB	6:23	06 - Forty Days 	 [flac]	
 DR16	 -0.29 dB	 -20.26 dB	4:19	07 - Cassandra 	 [flac]	
 DR14	 -3.05 dB	 -24.40 dB	8:03	08 - Yes, We All Have Our Cross to Bear 	 [flac]	
 DR16	 -0.42 dB	 -19.92 dB	8:02	09 - Mr. Fats 	 [flac]	
 DR14	 -9.00 dB	 -29.10 dB	3:52	10 - Ballad of the Rhine 	 [flac]	
 Number of files:    10
 Official DR value:  DR15
 Sampling rate: 		 44100 Hz
 Average bitrate: 		 699kbs 
 Bits per sample: 		 16 bit
Dr14 T.meter 1.0.16 
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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