Album details

Artist The Four Tops
Album Tonight!
Year 1983
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 12
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
13 12 12 12 13 13 12 12 14
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Casablanca
Label code
Catalog number 800 049-2
Bar code 3 259180 004927
Country Germany
Comment Reissue of 1981 album
Log file
 Analyzed folder:  The Four Tops - 1981 - Tonight
DR	Peak	RMS	Duration	Title [codec]	
 DR13	 -0.00 dB	 -15.60 dB	3:20	01 - The Four Tops - When She Was My Girl.wav	
 DR12	 -0.00 dB	 -14.63 dB	4:07	02 - The Four Tops - Don't Walk Away.wav	
 DR12	 -0.41 dB	 -16.07 dB	4:36	03 - The Four Tops - Tonight I'm Gonna Love You All Over.wav	
 DR12	 -0.71 dB	 -15.94 dB	5:09	04 - The Four Tops - Who's Right, Who's Wrong.wav	
 DR13	 -0.00 dB	 -15.95 dB	4:23	05 - The Four Tops - Let Me Set You Free.wav	
 DR13	 -1.25 dB	 -18.71 dB	4:05	06 - The Four Tops - From A Distance.wav	
 DR12	 -0.00 dB	 -14.60 dB	4:46	07 - The Four Tops - Something To Remember.wav	
 DR12	 -0.00 dB	 -14.94 dB	3:37	08 - The Four Tops - All I Do.wav	
 DR14	 -0.77 dB	 -18.83 dB	3:56	09 - The Four Tops - I'll Never Ever Leave Again.wav	
 Number of files:    9
 Official DR value:  DR13
 Sampling rate: 		 44100 Hz
 Average bitrate: 		 1411kbs 
 Bits per sample: 		 16 bit
Dr14 T.meter 1.0.16 
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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