Album details

Artist Christine McVie
Album Christine McVie
Year 2023
Album DR 07
Min. track DR 06
Max. track DR 08
Track DR
07 06 07 07 08 06 07 07 07 08
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Warner Records
Label code
Catalog number R2 25059 / 603497830718
Bar code 603497830718
Country USA
Comment Re-mastered reissue of the 1984 S/T album.
Log file
    Analyzed folder: C:\Users\Music\Christine McVie\
    DR 	    Peak 	RMS 		Filename

    DR7   -0.01 dB 	-8.58  dB 	01 - Love Will Show Us How.wav
    DR6   -0.01 dB 	-8.29  dB 	02 - The Challenge.wav
    DR7   -0.01 dB 	-9.73  dB 	03 - So Excited.wav
    DR7   -0.01 dB 	-8.94  dB 	04 - One In A Million.wav
    DR8   -0.01 dB 	-10.17 dB 	05 - Ask Anybody.wav
    DR6   -0.01 dB 	-8.78  dB 	06 - Got A Hold On Me.wav
    DR7   -0.01 dB 	-9.59  dB 	07 - Who's Dreaming This Dream.wav
    DR7   -0.01 dB 	-8.37  dB 	08 - I'm The One.wav
    DR7   -0.01 dB 	-8.50  dB 	09 - Keeping Secrets.wav
    DR8   -0.01 dB 	-10.81 dB 	10 - The Smile I Live For.wav

    Number of files: 10
    Official DR value: DR7

Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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